
At the manufacturing facilities with Rolf Sachs

The designer Rolf Sachs has long been an enthusiastic collector of horgenglarus chairs - especially the classic model. He believes that it epitomises pure form and functional design and is thus particularly appealing, since this allows him to further develop the chairs and realize his own ideas on them and with them. Rolf Sachs recently visited horgenglarus to take a look at the manufacturing facilities. He was really impressed! There's now the possibility of closer collaboration between him and horgenglarus.

Dieter Meier visits horgenglarus

Dieter Meier, an internationally renowned Swiss conceptual artist, musician (yello), grower of organic wine (Ojo de Agua) and caterer, came to visit horgenglarus to personally choose chairs and tables for his new bar in Berlin. His first studio bar, which opened in Zurich in 2011 and doubles up as an exhibition, is also furnished with horgenglarus chairs and tables.